
Dok je ekonomski rast zemalja G20 u prvom kvartalu ove godine bio u prosjeku 0,9 posto, Turska je bila zemlja

In case of failure of signing the contract for the sale of 75 percent stake in PTK, Ministry of Economic

Commercial banks operating in Kosovo have expensive fees for banking services. Citizens consider excessively high fees while bank representatives say

Commercial banks operating in Kosovo have expensive fees for banking services. Citizens consider excessively high fees while bank representatives say

A business delegation from Romania , headed by former Romanian ambassador to Albania, visited Kosovo Business Alliance ( KBA )

No less than 16 million euros have acquired commercial banks in the country during the first half of this year,

The latest data of the Statistics Agency of Kosovo (ASK) which show that the unemployment rate in Kosovo has decreased

Gross foreign debt of Kosovo, which includes private debt and public debt, according to the Central Bank of Kosovo (CBK),

Statistical Agency (KSA), has published a report on the results of Monday’s Labour Force Survey for 2012, where it is

Members of the Assembly have not chosen a non-executive member of the Central Bank of Kosovo, after none of candidate

The trend of counterfeiting of money Kosovo recently received worrying dimensions. Security experts estimate that this phenomenon brings great damage,

The British Ambassador in Kosovo, Jan Cliff, said the biggest challenge for Kosovo is the high rate of unemployment and

Kosovo authorities have delayed the signing of the privatization of 75 procent of shares of Post and Telecom Kosovo.(PTK) The

Governor of the Central Bank of Kosovo (CBK), Bedri Hamza, requires commercial banks to work towards increasing the efficiency to

Estimated one-week blockade has cost the loss of Macedonia with about 7 million euros. Meanwhile even the “ransom” taken from