Estimated one-week blockade has cost the loss of Macedonia with about 7 million euros. Meanwhile even the “ransom” taken from Kosovars, Macedonians believe that the state has received more than 20 thousand euros.
President of the Chamber of Commerce of North Menderes Kuqi, Macedonia states that losses during this period have been around $ 1 million a day. “This is actual damage, while other indirect damage affecting the market area. Lack of certain items in the market for some time and the fear that in the future could happen again such a loss could result in the markets for certain products manufacturers in Macedonia. This damage is irreparable, while the values are greater ‘, said Kuqi.
Meanwhile, government bodies through the Deputy for Economic Affairs Vladimir Pesevski, warned that there may be subsidies to producers that were damaged during a week of economic blockade on Kosovo. Kuqi says it is questionable as to believe that will happen something like this. “It is also questionable how they damage will be compensated. Discussed not only for farmers but also for commercial companies. When looking at who and what exports, then shows a completely different picture entirely. In this case, we are dealing with a greater number of owners of companies with Macedonians, Albanians rather than who export to the Kosovo market, “said Kuqi.
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Whereas, the President of the Kosovo Business Alliance (AKB) Shahin explained that according to estimates KBA, Macedonia has lost about 6.5 million during this period, and has received about 20 thousand euros in taxes for the citizens of Kosovo Macedonia entered.