The Japanese to hire 120 workers in Banja Luka

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Japan’s company  ” Sankyo ” will within Banja Luka  Business Zone ” (formerly ” Incel ” ) to open a plant for the production of steel springs for automobile industry, in which in the first year of will hire 120 workers , announced Đurađ Banjac , director of  “Business Zone” .

He said in a written statement that ” Business Zone ” has been determined to be a local partner to Japanese company from Nagoya by the Government and by the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining .

In line with the Japanese have founded the company ” Sankyo ” in Banja Luka, , which will , based on Japanese technology and the monitoring of Japanese experts be producing equipment for automobile industry .

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The value of investments in the first year , according to Banjac , amounted to 4.8 million euros , of which the company ” Sankyo ” Banja Luka has invested half a million in the “know how” ( knowledge and experience ) , through which they acquired all patents, licenses, technology and other rights for the production of steel springs

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