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Macedonia made ​​a jump of seven places in enhancing the competitiveness of the domestic economy compared to last year, according to a report last week by the World Economic Forum.

The Minister of Economy Valon Saracini of today’s award solutions to support businesses, adding that Macedonia is now in front of  Croatia and Romania, which are already members of the EU. Ministry of Economy remains in constant dialogue with the business community and whenever we have opportunities strive to help companies which really need such assistance.

Year to support projects of cluster associations were allocated from 1,600,000 denars for joint projects connecting the clusters with universities to develop the innovation and development of branded products, the sectoral export promotion, organizing thematic exhibitions and the development of quality standards to adapt to the requirements of the EU market, said Economy Minister and added that support for this purpose were six clusters. said that in the area of industrial policy approved a total of MKD 2,100,000, of which 1,200,000 have been spent while the remaining 850,000 denars companies can take to end the year. These funds are intended to compensate for part of the cost of businesses to develop new products or to improve existing products and the compensation of the cost of businesses for market development and market research.

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This is good as the minister said, that companies will finally have the means to be able to explore new markets or other markets where they can export their branded.  Regarding subsidies for various tourism events and forums this year handed over 500,000 denars the 12 businesses that will actually be able to arrange travel events of any kind, Sarachini said, adding that this type of aid granted for NGOs, non-governmental organizations, municipalities … who have applied to the Ministry of economy. representative “Balkan Feeds” Igor Demerdžieva noted that support from the Ministry of Economy is of great interest to companies for developing and other markets outside Europe that they specifically need such as South African markets, Middle East. ..

With regard to the report of the World Economic Forum minister  noted that under certain indicators it noted that Macedonia has significantly improved section on market efficiency and in terms of shortening the procedures for starting a business, simplification of administrative barriers to starting business, cutting costs for starting a business, but can also be seen improvement in the area of protection of investors, the allocation of public funds and transparency of public institutions for decision support. significant progress We have in the area of labor market where we have significantly improved. And the third thing, we have a significant improvement in market size where we can verify that there is an improvement in terms of exports measured as a percentage of total GDP.

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