Macedonian banks can not collect 440 million euros

Bad loans that banks can not collect each month is rapidly increasing. Banks can not charge nearly 440 million euros given by such loans, which is about 11% of the total loan portfolio, according to the latest data for June released by the National Bank of Macedonia. NPL loans recorded a huge increase of 19.5% in the period of six months. Most of the bad loans come from the business sector, or 335 million euros have been disputed for payment of the company, while citizens can not pay  about 105 million euros.

Bankers commented that the most problematic debtors companies engaged in the service sector , commercial and agricultural businesses.

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“The business sector is facing serious financial problems, the company reduced production, lack of money and therefore they seek loans only to overcome the current problems of liquidity. All credit requested recently are for refinancing. Taken from one bank to be returned loan to another bank, and it keeps them alive, but no investment cycle that can ensure stable development. Under these conditions, the credit has to be developed very carefully “evaluate bankers.

Slični Članci