World Bank: Macedonia well implemented reforms

Deputy Prime Minister Zoran Stavreski after yesterday’s meetings at the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, said that the reforms in Macedonia is assessed positively as favourable in the region, and is expected to improve the situation in the countries of the EU will reflect positively and Macedonia.

– Macedonia is encouraging that scores of our country by the IMF and World Bank are favorable compared to any other country in the region. I welcome being held as economic growth and falling unemployment, of course, with the intention to further reduce its there. For this to happen it is necessary to continue its efforts to attract foreign investment, but also to facilitate the implementation of projects in infrastructure and improving the workforce. Exactly for such projects discussed with the World Bank and we promise on their part to provide financial support under the strategy prepared by the World Bank for Macedonia, for the next three years, the project will finance the reconstruction of roads and widening of road sections Macedonia, and to improve human skills of the unemployed in order to better find their way on subsequent employment and support innovation fund, said Stavreski.

Governor of the National Bank and Vice Dimitar Bogov Stavreski after meeting with members of the executive boards of the IMF and World Bank and representatives of the two organizations in charge of Macedonia, said that the assessment in Washington that Europe is finally coming out of the economic problems, and it will have a positive effect on Macedonia.

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– We have quite meetings and use every opportunity to express our views on the Macedonian economy. We are encouraged that finally the European economy out of recession, although we are still cautious. And here they dominate tones, there is more optimism, but with caution. It should favorably affect the sustainable growth of the economy, said Governor Bogov.

Ellen Goldstin, director of the World Bank for the Western Balkans, said Macedonian reforms progressing well, and that the measures that the Bank intends to Macedonia to better exploit implemented reforms to reduce unemployment.

– Macedonia progressing quite well in the commitment to reform. There has been some growth and deal with some of the most important reforms in terms of doing business. But because the general situation in Europe is not very favorable, the effect of the implementation of these reforms in many respects was reduced and therefore the public believes that these reforms have not led to levels of growth and employment that would like to see in Macedonia. We see that economic growth is not always there and improve employment, which remains the major issue. Because most such work to transform the reforms in the specific field of investments that will boost growth and create jobs in Macedonia. Especially work and support areas of skills and innovation, to make Macedonian labor really attractive to investors who come to domestic investors, said Ellen Goldstin MIA.

The briefing dedicated to Central and Eastern Europe, Goldstin reiterated that the Balkans came to a modest improvement in economic growth. She welcomed Serbia’s plans to implement austerity measures and reform of its public companies, saying that other countries in the region formerly conducted these difficult reforms, and that they are necessary and Serbia to grow. For Croatia, representatives of the World Bank reminded the country for a fifth year in recession and that the entry into the European Union, as it provides opportunities to use the open European market, will mean new responsibilities for the latest State to fund joint European projects and that the relatively high amount. In Bosnia, Goldstin said political blockade of the country does not allow to see economic growth and progress. By region, representatives of the World Bank stressed and Turkey as an example of a country that has successfully implemented structural reforms needed for economic growth.

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