TDR opened a factory in Iran

TDR has opened a factory in Iran and expanded business in the market of Southeast Asia. New factory opened today CEO of  Tobacco Factories Rovinj Mato Zadro.

TDR factory is in Saris, the capital of the province of Mazandaran built in collaboration with leading Iranian tobacco manufacturer, Iranian Tobacco Company. The value of investment is 30 million euro, and capacity of new factory is 6 billion cigarettes per year.

– By this investment TDR has even stronger position as one of the leading Croatian exporters and we expand our business at challenging market of Southwest Asia. With more than 60 percent of sales generated in exports, TDR places its products in 15 markets. Except in the region, TDR exports its products also in Germany, Spain, Czech Republic, Italy, Austria, the United Arab Emirates, Bulgaria and Russia – said the PR of  company.

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