Tag: News from Bosnia and Herzegovina in English

Bosnia owes 10 billion KM

BiH: Money from the IPA funds collapsed because of bad government

BiH: Exports declined by 15.3 percent

Bulgarian “Bulgar Tobacco” take over Banja Luka Tobacco Factory today

Bulgarian "Bulgar Tobacco" take over Banja Luka Tobacco Factory today

Minimum wage in BiH rise to 378 KM?

BiH: In July salaries increased, but also did the number of unemployed

Four of Bosnian companies will export to Turkey

Norwegians will build HPP on the river Bosnia

IMF: Economy grows in BiH, but the budget is still in deficit

Growth of industrial production in Bosnia and Herzegovina slows

BiH: Debt per capita amounted to 1,548 KM

BH: The first train from Zvornik´s “Alumina” went to Hungary

BH: The first train from Zvornik´s "Alumina" went to Hungary

BiH: The sale of RAOP a good move