List of the largest employers created by the “Capital ” and on which, are ranked 20 largest employers in Macedonia shows that nine companies are directly or indirectly owned or established by the State. If each of these 20 employers employs 30,000 workers , in state-owned companies 16,000 people are employed or 53 % of the total .
According to data for 2012, the largest employer with 4,228 employees is the state-owned power company “Elektrani na Makedonija” (ELEM ) , and among the private companies ,in the top 20 largest employers, great number of employees has the power distribution company EVN and that number is 2.233 workers.
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Statistics show more devastating data about employment in Macedonia. Thus , according to the State Statistical Office of Macedonia , among total of 74,000 companies, only 200 of them have more than 250 employees. Only 57 of these companies are from the manufacturing industry , while 72 companies or institutions work in the areas where the state ownership is dominant .