Slowing economic growth of BRICS countries is not bad news for Macedonia

While global analytical and investment community is concerned about slowing of economic growth BRICS countries and other developing markets, we asked local experts what they think about possible consequences of the Macedonian economy.

“I do not think that are bad news for Macedonia. On the contrary, it should prolonged reduction of our commercial and financial dependence on the EU. Whatever, growth will be in the BRICS, they have not reached yet their state of balance apropos it should close the gap to the technological frontier, which gives us s lot of opportunities – new markets and capital investment, “said Marjan Petreski professor of university.

According to him, important EU lesson are that is the best strategy for Macedonia is the one which will be based on a large geographical production diversification of trade and financial flows, which means that the campaign for attracting of foreign investments should not rely on one geographical area or one industry.

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