Slovenian GDP continues to fall

Gross domestic product (GDP) in Slovenia in the second quarter compared to the first quarter decreased by 1.7 percent, announced the Slovenian National Statistical Office. Thus, the GDP in the first half totally decreased by 3.2 percent. On the negative GDP growth was primarily affected by reduction in domestic demand, which is the period from April to July this year decreased significantly less than in the past quarter.

The growth of GDP had a negative impact and reduce the volume of gross fixed capital formation, which in comparison to the last quarter decreased by three percent, while the GDP positively influence foreign receivables. The volume of Slovenian exports to the course of the second quarter increased by two percent. State Statistics Bureau also announced that in the course of August, the cost of living in Slovenia increased by 0.3 percent. The rate of growth of inflation on an annual basis is reduced and now stands at 2.2 percent. Inflation in August, has influenced the most by growth of the cost of services, which in the previous month increased by 0.7 percent.

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