Sarajevo Airport : Half year profit 1.56 million KM

Sarajevo International Airport , despite difficult business conditions caused by the global economic crisis , there have registered  positive business trend .

In the first six months of this year , there was a number of 303 829 passengers, which is 15 percent more than in the same period last year. Number of flights is 2603 , which is two percent more than the same period last year.

The financial report for the first six months of the current year  shows the revenue increases  in almost all profit centers : passenger service , handling of aircraft , trade, cargo and complementary services.

Total income of Sarajevo International Airport for the period from 1 January to  30th June 2013th increased by 10 percent and amounted to 16,990,730.33 KM.

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Total expenditures for the same period decreased by 14 percent and amounted to 15,423,711.35 KM , while in the same period last year amounted to 17,997,964.76 KM.

The Company is in the first half of the current year reported profit in the amount of 1,567,018.98 KM , while in the same period last year operated at a loss in the amount of 2,593,759.31 KM.

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