Railway Transportation of Montenegro: Increase in revenue in local traffic by 13 percent

Railway Transportation of Montenegro AD Podgorica ended with a negative financial result in first six months of this year, in amount of one million euro. This amount consisted 34 percent of overall negative results for year 2012. year, said from the company.

Management of the company has informed that the physical volume of work – in local and international traffic – for six-month period, increase by all parameters: number of carried passengers, number of trains, number of realized driving kilometers and number of realized  passenger kilometers. As a result of increased physical workload, Railway Transportation of Montenegro realized increasing of revenues in local traffic by 13 percent, and 15 percent in international traffic.

– Total revenues in the period January – June 2013th amounted 3.03 million. Total expenditures for the same period amounted 4.03 million – was announced from the company.

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Management of  Railway Transportation specifies that on achieved  negative result the largest effect has high fixed cost of amortization, which represents 32 percent of total expenditures, and it ih higher for 28 percent compared to the total negative result for the six months of this year.

– In the period from January to June 2013th Railway Transportation is, according to Resolution of the Government of Montenegro, committed reducing of earnings  of management and all employee was announced from the company.

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