Serbia: New Rules for Online Betting

Online betting in Serbia will now be legal , allowing the recently adopted Regulation gambling through electronic means .

New Rules for regulating gambling online or over the Internet is greatly important for Serbia because it will suppress the gray economy and restore order in this segment of the lottery – says Vladimir Djukanovic , President of the Assembly of the State Lottery of Serbia.

According to some unofficial estimates , about 50 percent of the betting in Serbia working illegally , which is why state counter loses . Are laid down strict criteria which will all and trying to deal with this business, you have to fulfill . For example , approval of gambling by means of electronic communication may obtain firm which have an initial capital of 250,000 euros. Also, to ensure the payment of winnings players , it is essential to be  placed a deposit of 150,000 euros in a bank with headquarters in Serbia This is certainly not a small sum , and we expect to meet us come renowned companies for gambling that they respect the rules of business and provide superior customer service – said Djukanovic .

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