EBRD oglašava potrebu za angažovanjem konsultanta/konsultantkinje.
EBRD planira da angažuje konsultanta/konsultantkinju za ekonomska pitanja koji/a će biti dio stručnog tima eksperata Sekretarijata Savjeta za konkurentnost (SCC) u Crnoj Gori.
Zainteresovani kandidati mogu se registrovati na sljedećem linku – https://eu.smart.gep.com/publicrfx/ebrd?oloc=215#/ i pronaći više detalja u okviru oglasa – „PR 008500 Enhancing Public-Private Dialogue in Montenegro: EBRD Support to the Competitiveness Council – Economic Expert“.
Poziv je otvoren do 17. januara 2023. godine do 18:00 sati.
We are pleased to share a new procurement opportunity in Montenegro.
EBRD is looking for Economic Expert to become a part of the professional team of experts of the Secretariat of the Competitiveness Council (SCC) in Montenegro.
Interested candidates can register here – https://eu.smart.gep.com/publicrfx/ebrd?oloc=215#/ and find more details within the advertisement “PR 008500 Enhancing Public-Private Dialogue in Montenegro: EBRD Support to the Competitiveness Council – Economic Expert”.
The procurement opportunity will be open until 17 January 2023, 6 PM CET.