Petroleum Industry of Serbia (NIS) announced today that the Pancevo Oil Refinery (RNP) completed one phase of the program to increase operational efficiency.
As stated, under the program in the 2013 year, which includes capital investment of 2.1 billion dinar , worn-out relay protection of substation “C” are replaced and an installation of analyzers in platforming (S-300) in the downstream of Block 5.
– These investments will increase the reliability of work and contribute to energy efficiency and financial savings in the process of refining – said in a statement of NIS.
– This investment which value is more than 53 million dinar , provides the lower power consumption of crude oil and a longer service life of the whole equipment. – said in a statement.
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It is added that the RNP in this case would be closer to the average characteristics of the oil refineries in the U.S. (average index Nelson – 9.6 points), and has already exceeded the average of the refineries in the EU, which is now estimated at 6.1 points.