Montenegrin GDP fell by 2.5 per cent in 2012

Montenegro’s gross  domestic product(GDP) amounted to 3,149 billion in 2012, which is a decrease 2.5 when compared to a year earlier, according to the final data from statistical institutions Monstat.

This result is about 80 million lower when compared to 2011.

The decline of Montenegrin economy  is recorded due to to a decrease of activity in manufacturing , agriculture and construction.

According to the data , the decline has been achieved in the last two quarters of  last year , which makes 2012 the second year (next to 2009) when Montenegrin economy is  in recession.

According to preliminary  data for the first half of the year , GDP  rebounded  by 3.4 per cent when compared to the same period of the last year.

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Trade reduced, but export increased

Total foreign trade of MONTENEGRO in the last nine months , according to the preliminary data , fell by 2.9 percent  whn compared to the same period of the last year , to 1.44 billion euros.

The value of the merchandise exports  during the first nine months  amounted to 256 million euros , 4.3 percent more than same period of the last year.Imports fell  by 4,4 percent to 1.18 billion euros.

“The coverage  of imports by exports  was 21.6 percent and it is higher when compared to the coverage in the same period of the last year when it was 19.8 percent“,  reports the Monstat.

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