Gross domestic product (GDP) in Montenegro last year, according to final results of Monstat is 3,149 billion, which significantly corrected the information of the Government that the last year GDP amounted to 3,338 million euros.
The government has used its data to calculate the main indicators for the sustainability of the economy – the relationship of GDP and public debt, and it showed it about 51 percent.
The Government’s debt at end of 2012. amounted to € 1.7 billion, its share in now calculated GDP is the 54 percent.
The government will also have to restate estimate of the amount of GDP from this year of 3,517 billion since for the baseline they used now corrected amount for the previous year.
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According to the latest government estimates GDP this year should grow to 2.5 percent, while the more cautious were the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund that predicted the growth of 1.2 percent.