Macedonian delegation in Pristina for a solution to the trade blockade

Macedonian delegation will come to Pristina to try to overcome the trade blockade on products from Macedonia and the issue that Kosovo introduced fees for citizens when entering Macedonia.

The Kosovo Ministry of Trade and Industry reported that delegations of the two countries will lead the line ministers Mimoza Kusari and Economy Minister Valon.

Meanwhile, Kosovo media reported that after the yesterdays  arrest, today there are not many columns on the border between Kosovo and Macedonia, but the practice of paying  fees for incoming Kosovo citizens continues. Still blockade of Macedonian products is in force.

Following the decision of the authorities in Pristina to ban imports of products from Macedonia, Skopje Government decided to introduce entrance fees for citizens of Kosovo, 2 euros for entry to individuals, 5 to cars and 10 for trucks and buses.

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The newspaper “Dnevnik” published in the online edition of the Macedonian Government is considering the introduction of visas for citizens of Kosovo in response to full trade embargo announced by Pristina.

According to statistics of the authorities in Pristina until September of this year, Macedonian exports to Kosovo were160 million, and Kosovo exports to Macedonia amounted to 17 million.

Slični Članci