Kosovo gets $ 20 million from OFID

Minister of Finance (MoF), Beqaj signed today in Vienna Cooperation Agreement with the OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID) in the amount of 20 million dollars.

In OFID headquarters in Vienna, Beqaj and OFID President Suleiman Al-Herbish have signed deal for financing in the amount of $ 20 million between the Government of the Republic of Kosovo and OFID.

The agreement for the loan will finance one of the priorities of the Government which  involved in the Medium Term Expenditure Framework – expansion of the highway Pristina-Mitrovica, which is expected to be completed within three years.

Minister Beqaj said that this agreement marked the first step of cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Kosovo and OFID. “It is an honor to start this cooperation between our institutions which will influence the development for a project that will significantly facilitate movement between Pristina and Mitrovica ” Beqaj said.

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He stressed the need to enhance OFID activities to support the private sector by supporting investments in Kosovo. Stressing the importance of cooperation with the Republic of Kosovo, President of OFID, Al-Herbish expressed readiness for further cooperation in the public and private sectors.

In July agreement with the Islamic Development Bank is ratified in Parliament, while by the end of year is expected  the third signing of the agreement with the Saudi Fund for Development.

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