KiM: Pacoli’s plan for Trepca outside government

Badžet Pacoli´s Plan on resolving the situation in Trepca is not under the government consideration, says the director of the Center for Economic and Strategic Research Ibrahim Rexhepi .

“Pacoli  just put forward his views and possibilities for Trepca to overcome current problems- economical, political  . However, it can not be applied in the current laws that treat Trepca as a state enterprise under the jurisdiction of Kosovo Privatisation Agency and until solve problems with debt , “said Rexhepi .

Besides, as he adds, Pacolijeva vision is not within the government , where he was vice president .

Rexhepi said that the Trepca is jurisdiction of KAP , but it is currently under moratoria .

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” And in this case special jurisdiction has Supreme Court of Kosovo. This means that it can not be privatized until there is a real situation around the debt dating from before the 1999th year. Court is in the process of corresponding the demands of pretenders ” , says the analyst , adding that no matter that the Trepca in the production process it works with minimal facilities, only 20 percent of it , and only mining.

Interview with Rexhepi shows view from Pristina of  privatization in Kosovo , which in Serbia is disputed. Redzephis said that this privatization is based on registers of ownership of January 1989 .

A company in Kosovo which was in state ownership is under jurisdiction of  the KAP Asked about the speculation in Pristina that the privatization in Kosovo participated and businessmen from Serbia , like Miroslav Miskovic , Rexhepi said that a priori rejects this possibility.

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