KEP supports the development of agriculture in Kosovo

KEP Trust, the largest microfinance institution in Kosovo and the Union of Farmers’ Association “Dukadjini Rural Development” on Thursday signed a Cooperation Agreement for the Development of Agriculture in Kosovo.

Agriculture has a special importance in the economic development of Kosovo and that sector needs investment that promote productive capacities and enhance the quality of products in order to satisfy requirements of the local and export markets. The low level of funding and small capacity are among other major challenges facing agricultural development in the country.

KEP and Farmers Union ‘Dukadjini Rural Development’ have signed a Memorandum of Understanding which aims to promote and improve conditions for agricultural financing in place. In this case KEP donated for the purchase of a machine for cleaning the heels of cattle to farmers in the region. This device will directly impact the health of these animals and the quality of the milk they produce.

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Chief Executive KEP Koen said Jami gathered to celebrate the joining of forces between the Union of Associations of Farmers and KEP, to set a new beginning for the support of farmers in the country.

“Together we aim to increase the funding of the agricultural sector in Kosovo. KEP wants this sector through financing to express its commitment to local agriculture. In order to express our commitment, we have now taken over the financial costs buying car cleaning heels of cattle to farmers in the region of Metohija, “said Koen

KEP has always been and will continue to be, committed to supporting farmers, agriculture and other agricultural factors in place. KEP is constantly looking to support local agriculture through various ways of financing them.

KEP has so far invested over 50 million euros in the development of agriculture in Kosovo.

Slični Članci