Help for Slovenian banks from ESM inevitable?

Many of  sources close to the Central Bank of Slovenia said that the Slovenian government will have to apply for assistance from the permanent European Stability Mechanism ESM, till the end of this year.

Although the stress tests made by  Auditors Deloitte are  still ongoing in the  banks and the methodology of the European Central Bank (ECB) for the valuation of non-performing loans is not yet clear, the first evaluations show that for the reconstruction of Slovenian banks will need at least five billion euros ,and only from that amount billion euros for  the largest NLB bank.

Since the Slovenian government can not find that money, they will have,and the great chances are for that, to ask for assistance from the ESM what should not be  not be classical arrival of  trio (ECB, IMF, European Commission), as in Greece, but it would be the Spanish scenario probably.

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