Greenfield investments in BiH: Italian's invests of 30 million euros

The “Metal ege” from Italy will build a plant for the processing of silicon in the municipality of Mrkonjic City, and the investor has undertaken to employ at least 100 workers in the production process

The Government of the Republic of Srpska agreed on Thursday a letter of intent between the Srpska government , Mrkonjic municipality and the company ” Metal ege ” from Italy , who, as the investor will build a plant for the processing of silicon in the territory of the municipality.

Finance Minister Zoran Tegeltija said that this is an investment of 30 million euros, which will be the largest greenfield investment in BiH.

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“The deadline for completion of the total work is 24 months, when the plant complex will occupy about 70,000 square meters. Investor has undertaken to employ at least 100 workers in the production process and has already chosen the location, so we expect that at the end of this year to begin work on the construction of the plant, “said Tegeltija at a press conference .

Srpska Government is committed to the letter of intent to honor its commitments in accordance with the Regulation on stimulating investment and employment following a public competition , if the investor fulfills the requirements of the competition and provide the required amount of electricity, and wood assortment at market prices , which are at the moment ruled the Srpska market .

“This is one of the best projects at the moment might happen to us , because we can safely say that it is the investor who starts with the work , and not to just to do some research ,” he added Tegeltija .

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