Ministry of Food, Agriculture and goods of Turkey gave permission for the import of food products of animal origin for four Bosnian companies. Milk and milk products from dairies Meggle, Mlekoproduct and Milkos, and meat and meat products from Byron travnichkata company will soon be able to buy in Turkey.
By order of the Ministry conducted a control in 14 manufacturing plants in Bosnian food companies who were candidates for export to Turkey, and four companies met conditions of export. The only port through which Bosnian companies may also be exported to Turkey is Montenegrin port of Bar, but exports through that port is three times more expensive than transport by trucks by road. The main problem is that Bosnian companies can not export through the port of Ploce. Although the entry of Croatia into the EU allow free circulation of Bosnian goods through this port, domestic veterinary inspections are not included in TRACES.
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