CRO: Linic announced new cost cut

Health, education and public administration will remove from budget everything that is not a core business, and that means, cooking, washing, cleaning – in future those activities should perform private owners. Croatia has obviously, come to the moment when the classic cuts do not help. For example, you have a salary of 1,000 kuna, and you spend every month 2,500 kuna – it is the relationship of  budget and debt. Interest rate is growing, debt is growing, and you are still spending. It should stop somehow. You could let‘s  say, instead of coffee in a cafe, could have coffee at home, and than it’s some kind of cosmetic saving, but you have come to the moment when you have to give up coffee. It is reform, something that everyone in Croatia talk about, and no one has seen yet. Croatia was spending something that it doesn‘t have. We “came” to money by borrowing, and now, interest rates will rise, the Minister of Finance said. “We created a 200 billion public debt and we can not control it anymore,” Slavko Linic said.

Croatia must seriously ‘play on the cards’  of reforms. That is why, under the scrutiny of the Minister of Finance, will be found education, health care and public administration and will exclude everything that is not core business.

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Cleaning and  cooking services, in hospitals and schools, or, for example, , Laundry and ironing will go into the hands of private owners. ‘All these are private business, and we keep them in public sector as well as public wages which burdens the budget. Now, it  will be more rational and efficient. But, let’s be realistic, in that way we will arrange hospitals with their departments’.

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