CRO: 1.906 companies in before bankruptcy settlement

Currently in the process of before bankruptcy settlement are 1,096 firms, with total 26.32 billion kuna registered liabilities and 22,128 employees, announced the Financial Agency (FINA) today.

It is about aggregated data of FINA for the period from beginning of October 2012th by the end of last week, the 6th September 2013th.

During that period, 3,850 cases have been resolved, with reported 21.53 billion liabilities, and 19,268 employees.

Cases that are considered as resloved are rejected proposals for opening  proceedings of before bankruptcy settlement, suspended processes, and procedures that have completed by adoption of financial restructuring plan..

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So far, the financial restructuring plan is adopted in 620 cases, with reported liabilities amount of 9.7 billion kuna. It is about companies that employ a total of 9269 employees.

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