MNE: Court verdicts – the unexpected expense for the government

It is the estimate of the Ministry of Finance that the government will have to pay the amount of 33.2 million euros on the basis of judicial executions for this fiscal year. This information was discussed by the government on Thursday.

This amount is higher by almost 20 million euros compared to the one in 2011 (the latest official data).

So far, according to the Ministry of Finance, it is paid out more than 17 million, and the biggest amount, which is almost half, referred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs (including the Police Department).

During the times of the severe costs cuts, this high amount of money in reference to the costs for court enforcement was not planned, and hence this was of the concern for the government.

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The largest among the judicial executions referred to the labor disputes. This means that employees or former employees are suing the authority for which is brought litigation. This leads to the increase of the amount of money that was in dispute at the first place because of the amount of court expenses and other costs significantly enlarged, and all the top salaries from the budget. In addition to these significant number of labor disputes and compensation on various grounds.

In addition, it should be noted that the cost of a hearing held on 75 euros, and disposal procedure 37.5 euros. To this should be added to other fees (hiring expert witnesses, etc.), so that the state at the expense of multiple transfer amount in relation to that which is debatable

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