Liquidation manager of Postbank BH Hazim Škapur issued public call to interested banks for purchase of property and/or takeover of Postbank BH property – Postal Bank dd Bosnia and Herzegovina Sarajevo in liquidation.
Starting price makes carrying value of Bank as is on August 30 2013th. According to unaudited statement total liabilities and equity of the Bank amount to 48.3 million km (24.5 million euro) of which are 45.6 million km (23 million euro) are liabilities.
Interested banks can review t Bank no later than 20 days from the date of publication of public call in media.
Final offers, which should contain cost and program implementation of bids, shall be delivered no later than five days after deadline for carrying out due diligence, or no later than 25 days from the date of public call release.
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Banking Agency of Federation abolished at the end of June license to Postbank BH and opened process of its liquidation.