In late July , Croatia had a total of 1,397,455 employees , which is 0.7 percent or 9,488 persons more than at the end of June , published by the Central Bureau of Statistics.
July is so fifth month in a row in which increased the number of employees, but growth has slowed on a monthly basis as it is in June and May, recorded a growth of around 1.4 percent. According to CBS data , in the legal person in late July were 1,145,719 employed persons, which is 0.3 percent , or 4,331 people more than at the end of June this year..The bigger growth , in percentage by 2.4 percent, or 5,355 persons has been recorded in trades and free lances who are at the end of the seventh month, employing a total of 226,452 people.
Decline in employment continues in insured farmers who , according to data taken from the records of active insured Croatian Pension Insurance Institute , in late July amounted in 25,284 employees . This is compared to June 198 people less , and the percentage decrease of 0.8 percent.
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In late July the Croatian Employment Service has registered 316,246 unemployed person , which is 0.6 percent , or 1,864 persons less than end of June. Thus, the unemployment rate fell slightly , with the 18.6 percent in June to 18.5 percent in July .