The average net monthly salary per employee for July 2013 in BiH Federation amounted 841, and the gross 1,285 KM, according to new data of the Federal Statistical Office.
The average net salary per employee for July 2013 is nominally higher by 1.9 and 2.8 percent in real terms compared to the previous month.
The highest net income is recorded in the sector of the production and supply of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning – 1,569 km as well as in the area of financial and insurance activities – 1,325 KM.
Average gross salary per employee for July 2013 is nominally higher by 2.1 and three percent in real terms compared to the previous month.
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The highest gross salary is recorded in the sector of production and supply of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning – 2,438 km as well as in the area of financial and insurance activities – 2,069 KM.
Also, according to the Federal Statistical Office, in July 2013 the total number of employees in the Federation of BiH amounted to 435,407, an increase in the number of employees by 0.03 percent compared to June 2013 year.
Compared to the average annual number of employees in the 2012 there was a reduction in the number of employees by 0.4 percent.