Growth of industrial production in Bosnia and Herzegovina slows

The growth of industrial production in Bosnia and Herzegovina from first quarter of this year, is losing its force and already slowed down in second quarter, but the worst period is still to come, economists evaluate seriously.

In second quarter of this year, BiH records decrease of industrial production and merchandise exports. Growth of merchandise export is, after the rate of 9.7% in the first quarter, reduced by one percentage point to the level of half year -and in June recorded even a slight decline, according to the Information from Directorate of Economic Planning of BIH.

Especially disturbing are pessimistic estimate of economists by the end of this year.

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“Unfortunately, the weak economic growth in the region, decline of some of the most important export markets, and quite pessimistic projection of region, do not leave much space for optimism in second half of year. In this context these positive indicators of industry export should be considered as very good results, “said the  PR of DEP. For half of year, industrial production in Bosnia and Herzegovina, on average, increased by 6.9% compared to the same period last year, but this is mainly because of  low base form previous year, extremely good weather conditions and a slight increase of export demand.

In past few months (May, June, July) it is evident that industrial production in BiH lost a momentum from beginning of the year.

Thus, according to the data from Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in July, industrial production in BiH, which is seasonal, compared to June 2013th recorded even reducing of production by 1.1%.

Slični Članci