U.S. investment fund Frontaura Global Frontier Fund LCC from Chicago intensively buying shares of Montenegrin Telecom, on the stock exchange durring last six months, and it became fourth shareholder of the company, by the size.
Frontaura Global has bought more than 758 thousand shares (1.6 percent) of telecommunications companies, for about 2.6 million.
For Americans, the main reasons for purchase is annual dividend paid by Telecom which varies in the percentage of 10 to 11 for year on invested money and it is bigger that can be achieved in their home country.
Telekom has been sold in 2005 to Magyar Telekom, member of Dutch Telekom with 76.52 percent, has total of 47.27 million shares. Nominal value per Telekom share is 2.98 euros, and its market value on the stock market in 2013th increased from 3.21 to 3.8 euro, respectively, 18.38 percent. Profit for the previous year amounted 44 cents per share.
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Amnong first six of 10 shareholders “hided” their property behind custody accounts of commercial banks. Among the largest owners are investors from neighboring Croatia.
At the end of last and begging of this year among the 10 owners entered also two investment funds registered in the Cayman Islands. That are ninth by the size shareholder of Terra Capital Cayman which owns 0.51 per cent, respectively, 242.6 thousand of shares of Telecom and tenth by the size owner of Worldwide Opportunity Fund (Cayman) Ltd, which owns 0.42 per cent, ie. 199.3 thousand shares.