EC requires respect of the obligations of CEFTA in dispute Macedonia – Kosovo

Official Brussels reacts to Macedonian-Kosovo conflict, caused by the newly-formed Balkan country with yesterday’s introduction of measures to limit imports of certain products from Macedonia.

The European Commission today urged all sides in this conflict, as it started a full embargo by official Pristina to Macedonian products and travel fees for the entry Kosovars in Macedonia, to stick to the commitments undertaken in the framework of the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) .

– We are seeking clarification of recent reported measures and expect all parties to respect their obligations under CEFTA, said Commission spokesman Peter Stano,.

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According to the Macedonian authorities, conditional import of flour imposed by Macedonia, was  introduced not just to the former Serbian province, but to all the countries of CEFTA and it is in accordance with the rules of this international organization.

Spokesperson of the informal European Union government did not want to get into details whether the EU will intervene more directly in order to resolve a dispute between Macedonia and Kosovo, but it is clear that Brussels has closely followed the developments and wants them resolved favorably.

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