Bosnians just last year in Turkey bought several hundred apartments, a real estate agency in Istanbul, Izmir , Antalya and other Turkish cities are experiencing a real boom.
Real estate agents claim to be seeking exclusive buildings , villas with pools , as well as student flats in the very heart of Istanbul.
Buying property in Turkey is a hit among the Bosnian political elite , which in this way , far from the public eye , invest suspicious earned money .
Edin Batlak , director of the agency ” Agensyplus ” which sells apartments in Turkey , said in Istanbul cheapest apartment costs $ 1,300 per square meter .
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“It is a great offer . Istanbul is interesting , as well as apartments that come out of the sea, the Aegean and down . Just last year , in the first nine months, BiH citizens bought hundreds of apartments in this country ,” says Batlak .
The paper said the names of politicians and businessmen who , according to their sources, have an apartment in Turkey.
Many believe that these Bosnian politicians thus provide for themselves and their families, “backup homeland .”
According to unconfirmed information , for buyers from BiH in Turkey there are certain advantages.
In ” Agencyplusu ” did not want to reveal the names of their clients , but confirmed that more or less comes to celebrities from BiH.
Batlak says that Istanbul is very desirable for their clients , and it is particularly interesting for those people who intend to send their children to college. Our facilities are located near universities and educational facilities , he added.