Miločer host of 20th INFOFEST

Jubilee , the twentieth Festival of IT developments – INFOFEST will be held in Miločera – Budva ,from 29th Septemberto 5th October

At this year’s Festival , as announced , will participate the world’s leading technology leaders HP , Oracle , Ericsson, SAP and others, the most important regional ICT companies , including Saga , E- Smart Systems, Digit , TeleGroup , Čikom and renowned international ICT experts .

On INFOFEST will be held and the Eleventh International Conference of regulatory bodies in the field of electronic communications , the second international seminar on the upcoming communication technologies WECT in 2013 , the third management consulting postal administrations of the region …

As part of a special roundtable at this year INFOFEST will be discussed digitization in Montenegro and on current issues in the field.

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As part of the Company’s presentation program, will be presented and young ICT companies , whose polished debut at the festival initiated by the Ministry for Information Society , which is organizing the festival.

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