BH: The first train from Zvornik´s "Alumina" went to Hungary

Today in the Factory “Alumina” in Zvornik the trains of Public enterprise Railways of Srpska have loaded the first tranch of 20 freight wagons of  aluminum hydroxide, which is shipped to Hungary.

From today until the end of the year, each week will be shipped five trains of aluminum hydroxide from Zvornik factory “Alumina” to  the Hungarian station Ajka in Hungary , it was announced on the website of Railways of Srpska .

The composition of each train will be 20 freight cars , which over the border crossing Zvornik – Brasina will enter Serbia and continue their journey to their final destination in Hungary.

Although this is a specific kind of cargo whose shipping depends on weather conditions in the “Railways of Srpska ” expect the planned 50,000 tons will be transported to the end of the year , and to transport another 70,000 tons next year.

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Transport of  pilot quantities of aluminum hydroxide from Zvornik factory “Alumina” to Hungary began on 23 July.

Slični Članci