In large firms of BiH works 40 percent of the employees

Of the total number of people who officially have a job in Bosnia nearly 40 percent of them working in large companies with more than 250 employees, while a much smaller percentage of employees works  in the sector of small, medium and micro entrepreneurship, pointed to recent data of the Agency for Statistics of BiH.

The structure, which indicates that the largest number of workers is employed in large companies, according to experts, is not favorable. They point out that in developed European countries, regardless of the existence of large corporations, the small and medium enterprises are bearer of economic development and on average employs about 90 percent of workers.

Precise figures of the Agency for Statistics say that as many as 38.3 percent of the employees in BiH working in large enterprises.

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The smallest number of the total number of employees in BiH, 11.6 percent of them, are working in micro companies, or in companies that have up to ten employees. In small companies, which has between ten and 50 workers are 20.8 percent for workers, while the percentage of employees in medium-sized enterprises those who have between 50 and 250 workers, is 29.3 percent, the statistics showed.

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